Subject: ESP: V1.15 ESP Testing Author: Rosemary West Uploaded By: RKWest Date: 5/24/1995 File: ESP15.ZIP (168309 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 3243 Needs: An UnZIPing Program Keywords: West, ESP, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Precognition, FD Type: Freely Distributed Three standard tests to see if you have ESP (extrasensory perception). Try seeing the future (precognition), knowing unseen things (clairvoyance), and moving objects with your mind (telekinesis). The program compares your score to the expected results. Lots of fun. To run, enter: ESP Documentation: README.BAT, ESPDOC.EXE Previous Downloads: 468